Nanospell Spell Checking Software Components
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PHP SpellChecker

Performance Tuning The Suggestion Engin

  1. Suggestion Tolerance
  2. Enforced Corrections
  3. Common Typing Mistakes
  4. Other Performance Tuning Resources

PHPSpellCheck has method for developers to fine tune the performance of the suggestion engine.

Suggestion Tolerance

The tolerance of the spellchecker to error can be fine tuned in the settings file

  1. Find /phpspellcheck/core/settings/default-settings.php
  2. Edit this line: $spellcheckObject -> SuggestionTollerance = 1.5;

This allows you to tune the tolerance of the spellchecker to 'unlikely' suggestions.

Enforced Corrections

The enforced corrections file allows you to manually force a suggestion for any word

  1. Find /phpspellcheck/dictionaries/language-rules/enforced-corrections.txt
  2. Add lines to this file to add enforced spelling suggestions

Format: PHPSpellcheck--> PHPSpellCheck || PHP Spell Check

Common Typing Mistakes

The file contains a list of common typing errors which are used to fine tune the behaviour of the fuzzy-logic suggestion engine.

  1. Find /phpspellcheck/dictionaries/language-rules/common-mistakes.txt
  2. Add or edit lines to this file to fine tune suggestion behaviour


Other Performance Tuning Resources